Thursday 8 November 2007

Addressing the ET Issue with Larry King

As you may be aware Larry King will again address the UFO/ET issue Thurs. Nov 8 at 9:00 ET.
This is the second program within a few months that he and his producers (ownership?) have decided to tackle the matter of an ET presence. If CNN ownership is involved one can safely assume there just may be a concerted/orchestrated effort behind the scenes to move this issue into the public consciousness, thus usurping the major issue of the day - Britney Spears’ spending habits. A highly provocative decision!


This time, King apparently will have military officials (retired/active unsure) discussing the National Security implications of the ET issue.

We must not have exaggerated expectations however. There have been innumerable situations and events that purport to enliven the issue but ultimately treat it as media fodder.

This could be different. Why you ask?

Although this may be another white-wash of the issue; strategically it could be a legitimate engagement that will help mobilize other media towards disclosure investigation. Especially if the military people he has on the program have some stake in or convictional motivation to dismantle the truth embargo.

Tactically, this could also put tools in the hands of journalists to follow the lead of military people who may be risking careers and reputations by coming forward.

In the context of what has and will happen over the last several weeks it is evident the attenuation of the media to the issue has increased 10 fold:
-National Press Club Washington DC panel discussion Nov 12, 2007 lead by former Governor of Arizona Fyfe Symington – see info at:

-UFOs/ETs embedded into the Presidential election debates by Meet Press correspondent Tim Russert

-Dennis Kucinich Presidential candidate makes public statements on this issue

-New York Times report on CIA Documentation and integrated activity on the UFO/ET issue since 1975

-The Toronto Star publishing a feature article on Exopolitics

USA National Security is not the issue - the US is not the only country on the planet. All Humans have a right to engage off-world civilizations. The military should keep its distance. They have managed to alienate themselves from diplomatic realities and options in all matters geo-political. Let's hope that contact is NOT made with the military or George Bush or like-minded ultra neo-cons... Anywhere on the planet... then and only then will we need to mistrust ET.

Victor Viggiani
Director of Media Relations
Exopolitics Toronto

Original Source:
Source: Exopolitics Toronto

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